Friday, November 20, 2015

Easier Said Than Done

The number one solution that everyone says is really the only current way to combat trolling is to ignore it. However, it’s definitely not that easy. Ignoring trolling is something that is much easier said than done. In the case of Lindy West she receives tons of trolling for the work she does, but this is what she does to live she puts her time and effort into this. It obvious she genuinely cares for what she does. If you have feelings like that how is it possible to completely ignore the things being said to her. She knows that the comments may not be true, but even though they’re not she must feel something because her work is what is getting the responses. It’s not her fault in any way but she can’t do anything about her work to get any less responses or else she’d be changing what she really wants to say. All of this is what finally pushed her to reply to the troll who was impersonating her father, something she would not have done otherwise. It all did end up on a nice note with the troll apologizing and explaining that the only reason behind what he did was his own personal problems. That showed the true nature of a lot of trolls, some just want a target to let out their problems and frustrations on. This is slightly getting off what I’m trying to say but yeah. Why is it that the only solution there is for trolling is difficult for the victim. Can it really be called a solution?

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