Friday, November 20, 2015

Introducing this week with a new unit about trolling has made me more self aware of what I post online. I know I wouldn't post anything that would arise in conflict like something racist or inappropriate, but I noticed that whatever you post online will reflect back at you, and there will always be a troll out there that will just give you a hard time. I personally do not have an experience with being trolled but do know the gist of how annoying it can get, based off a few of my friends who engage themselves in social media that put themselves in messy situations and initiate arguments (knowing that they're fully aware trolls feed on these types of responses). Then again I feel like you shouldn't get so emotional online (depending on the situation), I mean c'mon, you're behind a screen and it's not physically real. Which leads me to my next point, and that is how brainwashed our generation is. We're so oblivious and isolated that I feel like sometimes trolls are people that have way too much time to kill. They're the time to cause all types of problems out of nothing. I honestly think there'd be less trolling if we weren't so engaged to the Internet. I'm curious to get more in depth about what this unit is all about.


  1. i do not believe our generation is brainwashed but i do believe that they have way too much time on their hands. its crazy to see the amount of people who are trolling everyday and the amount of people who actually feed the trolls blows me away.

    1. What is your perspective on this?

    2. i dont care much for the trolls but when they try to "hit you in the feels", it bothers me.
