Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Bad Service?

So as I was about to finish my blog post I got a text from my boss telling me to go on Yelp and check out a review I got from a customer. The review was a bad one. So that's when I decided to scratch out my other blog and start writing this one because it seems relevant to what we are learning in class.

See, it's not trolling, but it's still a comment that I definitely got offended by. I even started crying because I thought I was going to lose my job. The customer was saying that she waited 10 minutes to get my attention and once she did I just nodded at her and walked away for about 20 minutes. She then called me over again and I finally took her order after 32 minutes of sitting there. She said it was the worst service she's ever had in her life. I honestly don't even remember this happening and it sounded over exaggerated anyways because she said that it wasn't busy and "it was just a Monday evening" when it was a super busy night yesterday due to the cold weather (I work at a pho restaurant). It was so busy that even my boss had to come out and help me and the only other person working out in the front. All 30 tables were filled and there was only 1 other person to help me. I had to bring out drinks, take orders, wash cups, refill water, print checks, and clean tables because people were waiting to be seated. She had no idea how hard I was working and how tired I was jogging from table to table. And I had to do this all while keeping a big smile on my face.

This is where I tie this situation into our unit. I took offense to what this customer said about me even though I didn't know her. And yeah, once you read a bad comment you get hurt by it. The thing about this comment is it is over exaggerated and one sided. And that is how trolling is. Trolls make up lies and try to bring out the worst in people. With Zelda Williams she was told that she was the cause of her fathers death. But she wasn't. The troll made that up just to hurt her. A victim of trolling shouldn't let horrible words of others define who he or she is. Trolls don't realize how much their words affect others. But at the same time the victims of trolling shouldn't get so sensitive about it because trolls don't know you. They don't know how you are, what you do, and what you've been through. They couldn't care less about how anyone feels so one shouldn't give them the time of day.

I shouldn't have gotten so sensitive but I did and that's just what happens when one reads something mean. Reading comments from trolls are always going to hurt, but it's the way you handle it after the grievances that matter. After you let out a cry or two, realize that what they think doesn't matter as long as you're true to yourself and know what they say is one sided and untrue. Trolling and hate will always be around but if you ignore and brush it off, it won't affect you as much. 

I don't care what she said now. I worked my butt off lol.


  1. I like the fact that you didnt let the troll take over your life. Just know that you work really hard at what you do.

  2. Exactly, there is no clear solution on how to stop trolling so why let it affect you? Society tells us that if someone messes with you, respond and fight back, but where does that get you? It does not stop the violent comments and chaos online. There is always going to be opposition trying to discourage you in life, but staying strong gets you through those obstacles. I think you made some pretty persuasive points here

    1. Yeah, someone is always going to be there to hate and bash on whatever decision we make and that's how life is. We shouldn't accept hate but we should learn to live with it because it is an everyday occurrence.

  3. Noelle, I think that your experience is the epitome of how one should respond to trolling. Of course, we all would of liked it if you weren't drawn to tears over a rude comment. But, who are we kidding? I, just like you, and a million of other people would have reacted the same way; and surprisingly, I think it's the first step towards the end. After you allowed yourself to cry and let out all of your frustration, you were able to think clearly and realize that the Yelp user was not worth your time.

    In order to build immunity to a disease we first have to be injected with a small amount of it. I hope that the first rude comment that anyone receives does cause a reaction. A reaction will force your mind and heart to deal with the negativity and hopefully create a stronger defense, such as increased self-confidence and a deeper understanding of the actions of others. People will soon realize that the opinions of trolls have no merit and are worth no one's attention.

    (P.S: WOW. I didn't know you had a job, let alone a demanding one in the service industry. I'm very impressed at your attitude and perseverance. You should be very proud of yourself.)

    1. You're right. I think that letting out a cry let out all of my frustration and after all the emotions were out, it gave me time to sit and think about the whole situation. If I responded back to her what would that do? The situation already passed and couldn't have been changed anyway so why bother? She would have still been angry that her order wasn't taken fast enough. I agree with you when you said that we need a small amount injected into us. We can't learn anything without letting it affect us in some way first.

      (P.S. Thank you!!(: that really means so much. Kinda made me emotional reading those last 2 sentences but it's all good 😂)
