Tuesday, January 19, 2016

[KC]: Wave 3 Discussion Question

Reflect on the myths presented in the various chapters of Left Hand of Darkness. Consider them as little symbolic parables and consider the following: What does this myth tell you about Gethan culture? However, some of the myths do have direct connections to the plot, especially the ones about Estraven. Discuss some of the Gethenian myths and folktales. Find one to discuss—the Place Inside the Blizzard, the Nineteenth Day, etc. How do such stories function in a culture?

Who Shall Post:
Sharissa Robins, Noelle Huynh, Mercedes Padilla, Joshua Luciano, Charmaine Williams, Keila Amavizca, Eve Mendoza, Kumpol Homwongpanich, Sebastian Rogers, Kyle Goerlitz, Alexus Guzman, Taureece Wilson

Reminder, your post should be between 250-300 words long. Anything shorter will not be effective. Also, include page numbers when you reference the text. 

Wave 3 responders, you have until 6:00pm Friday, January 22nd to post your response to this question. Also, all students need to complete both comments by midnight Friday, January 22nd.

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